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English Metaverse_e

Let's play in one of the bitmap metaverses, "BiTMAP EXPLORER"!


This article is written by one of the bitmap fans as a hobby.

For the latest official information, please refer to Recursiverse's X from here.

The bitmap metaverse has already begun

We assume readers of this article already have a general understanding and interest in what bitmap is.

bitmap is land in the metaverse within the bitcoin ecosystem (one of the aspects that bitmap holds).

Accessing bitmap space with "BiTMAP EXPLORER"

By accessing BiTMAP EXPLORER, you can view people's decorated bitmap spaces.

My constructed bitmap space is here.

  • You can display 2D and 3D objects and music created with the BRC420 token standard
  • Communication can be made through text and voice chat

bitmap as land for the multiverse

bitmap is not exclusively for "BiTMAP EXPLORER", but is land for the multiverse.

Various project teams are advancing development to build metaverses on the bitmap foundation.

Owning a single bitmap means you acquire all access rights to them as a landowner.

What bitmap holders can do with "BiTMAP EXPLORER"

  • You can check the coordinates of your bitmap with "BiTMAP EXPLORER"
    ※The image below is my bitmap base, I plan to engage in activities to support creators in the future, naming it #RinbokuEconomicZone.
  • You can select and enter into the desired bitmap
  • You can decorate by placing your owned BRC420 tokens
  • You can create your own original marketplace space by lining up listed BRC20 and BRC420 tokens
  • Communication can be made through voice chat and text chat
  • In the future, we also plan to release blockchain games using bitmap.
    ※Please check X on bitmap war.

"About Bitmap Bitcoin" site is a part of RinbokuEconomicZone

The administrator Rinboku wants to act under the name of RinbokuEconomicZone through the bitmap multiverse.

Simply introducing oneself does not particularly imply appearing as part of an ecosystem.

Please think of it as a child's favorite pretend play. lol

It probably won't have a meaning, but then again, it might.



-English, Metaverse_e